A couple of weeks ago, Wellington and I returned from the Cannes Film Festival in the South of France where we attended with a team of amazing women and a short film in competition ~ the theme of the short was the power of kindness, and it was written/directed/produced by women :)
Many of you have wondered how does Wellington travel ON the plane?
He's a great traveler and pretty much naps throughout the entire flight. On the last day of our trip, we visited 4 countries in 24hours!
Here below is a 29s video showing you how Wellington flies ON the plane.
Wellington on the flight back from Cannes to Los Angeles (via Denmark and Sweden). Us in Cannes, Italy, and Denmark in May 2014 | Wellington has been to many places where very few dogs have been, such as the Cannes Film Festival, meditation retreats, broadway shows, the Waldorf Astoria, Las Vegas, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark and various conferences (and vacations) around the US and the world. As a service animal, I do not need to purchase a seat for him. And also, as I fast him the day before flying, there's no need for him to go to the bathroom on the long flights ;-) Here's an idea that I'd like to see come to fruition: I'd love to see one airline (to start with) give all the service dogs like Wellington frequent flyer miles, and allows the dogs to then "give" those frequent flyer miles to a charity of their preference...say it’s a kids related charity, this would make it possible for that charity to fly their kids to wherever they'd like to go. If you like this idea and you happen to know a higher up at one of the major world airlines, I would be happy to connect directly with them to explore mutual synergies and see how we could possibly turn this idea into a reality, thanks! [email protected] |